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The World's Highest Paid CEO's

We all know CEOs make a lot of money they’ve climbed the company ladder to get the fancy office and dedicated parking spot or in some cases, their parents have handed the position over to them that being said is the CEO of the world's biggest company doesn't necessarily mean you're the highest-paid Jeff Bezos is known by many as the world's richest man and yes but his base salary as a CEO is only eighty-one thousand eight hundred and forty dollars per a year today we're going to take a look at the world's highest-paid CEO some of which may surprise you and many of whom you may have never heard of we’ll take a look at their climb to the role as eland to see exactly how much money they earn number 10. chant new Narayan if you working any creative field chances are you're paying this man’s salary every time you open the software on your computer Shantanu Narayan is the current CEO of adobe in 2019 his total CEO compensation was 39.1 million dollars the annual company revenue is 11.2billionwith a median employee salary of 147115 which means the total decompensation is 266 times higher than that of the average employees pay so how did he come to makes much the money he grew up in India and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in electronics and communication engineering he moved to the united states of America to receive samba from the University of California Berkeley and quickly got started on his career and man did he hit it out of the park right away chanti news the first big job was at the apple he moved on to work for silicon graphics as the director of desktop and collaboration products after working for silicon graphics he climbed the ranks until he accepted a job at adobe in 1998as senior vice president of worldwide product research his hard work paid off because he was promoted to CEO in late2007.under his guidance adobe rose to become a fortune 400 company and has had an increase in revenue every year there's not much details about Shantanu and his family he's very private about his personal life tries his best to keep out of the spotlight number nine bill McDermott bill McDermott is a CEO honestly hadn't heard of before this list which is rather surprising considering the circles intend to run into although in must admit I’m not huge in the tech scene and bill McDermott certainly is as theca of software company service now bill's annual CEO compensation is 41.7 million dollars compared to the median employees salary of 223.000 which is actually the second-highest amount on your list that being said service now makes 3.5billion dollars annually so it seems like they can definitely afford it bill got his start in business at young age at 16 he made his first investment when he bought a delicatessen in long the island the deli cost him seven thousand dollars and it hugely influenced his the life he studied business at Dowling college and while he was there he continued to run the Delhi using that money to pay off his schooling using your own business to pay for a business school that's a pretty CEO l move if you ask merely went on to go to north Weston for management and after that, he dug his heels in and looking for bigger and better jobs he landed at Xerox for17 years working in a variety of jobs before he switched over to be the executive vice president of cybel systems in 2002 he was appointed as the CEO of sap America a software company based in Germany by 2014 he moved on to become the CEO of sap as a whole becoming the very first American to do shoe was extremely successful there increasing the market value from39 billion to 159 billion dollars though he got his fill of sap after a few years he switched over to service now and became eland one might even wonder if it was the salary that brought him to the company number eight Lachlan Murdoch surprisingly all of the CEO on our list are self-made except for Lachlan Murdoch the current CEO of fox corporation Lachlan’s total decompensation in 2019was 42.1 million and the annual company revenue of fox is 11.4 billion Lachlan was born into ultra-wealthy his father Rupert Murdoch founded news corporation because of this Lachlan grew up bouncing between living in New York City and attending school in aspen he earned a bachelor's degree from Princeton in philosophy though he didn’t have to use it at all when he was 18 he was flown to Australia to meet with his dad and trained at the daily mirror at 22 he became the general manager of Queensland newspapers he kept going in the media business just like his father and became the publisher of the Australia Australia's first national newspaper in1995 he was appointed deputy CEO of news limited and his role climbed year after year in 1996 he became executive director in 2000 he became deputy chief operating officer then he went on to become executive vice president and then chairman in his role as VP he was influenced by a friend to invest in one tower, unfortunately, the investment was doomed to fail and was criticized highly by his workers the company ended up failing and Murdoch had agreed to a 40 million dollar settlement in 2005 shortly after this, he abruptly stepped down from his role he then founded a private investment company called Illyria which invested in dozens of companies including no entertainment in 2014 he returned to the family business becoming the co-chairman of news corporation his role there only lasted a year before he took on an even bigger role the executive chairman of 21st-century fox and when the fox was bought out by Disney in 2019 he was named that CEO of fox corporation where he remains to this day number seven Satya nadella Microsoft is a company you've probably heard of but you may not have heard of Satya nadella the current ceo his 2019 CEO compensation was a whopping 42.9 million dollars while the median employee earns a hundred and seventy-two thousand five hundred and twelve dollars a years polio was born in India and went to monopole institute of technology where he received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering then made the leap to the UnitedStates where he went to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and certainly froze his tail off he started his career at sun microsystems then joined Microsoft 1992.his role in Microsoft was important immediately he led major projects mainly the big move to cloud computing cloud revenue grew from 16.5 billion to 20.3 billion under him alone he served as the senior vice president of research and development for the online services division later he became the president of Microsoft server and tools business division in 2014 he made the big leap to CEO the third in the company's history at the time his annual salary was seven hundred thousand dollars though it has grown since then he's made big moves as this first the acquisition was Mojang the game company known for Minecraft which costs about2.5billion dollars he also purchased LinkedIn for 26.2 billion and GitHub for 7.5 billion number six Miguel Patricia perhaps the most secretive CEO on our list Miguel Patricio is the CEO of a pretty well-known company craft Heinz the total CEO compensation for him in 2016was 43.3 million dollars while the median employee's the salary was only 42689 making his compensation1014 times higher Miguel was born Portugal but moved to brazil to get a business degree from a university in Sao Paulo he cycled through many companies during his career including Philip morris coca-cola and working in the exclusively executive role she moved on to Anheuser-Busch for two decades where he eventually became the chief marketing officer and served in that role for six years after that he moved on to craft Heinz as CEO where he currently resides and makes some pretty dang good money number five David salon we all know this a money maker but surprisingly David zazlov is the only person in the industry on this list as the CEO of discovery his total 2019

CEO compensation was45.8 million dollars a 2million leap from Miguel Patricio David was born in new york and attended Boston university school of law surprisingly he worked as an attorney for a short time before switching paths and working for NBCUniversal for 20 years his main role was the president of cable and domestic television where he oversaw content distribution this included controlling channels like brave the weather channel USA network and the history channel and sundance he then made the move to discovery as their CEO in January 2007and the the company began trading as a public company for the first time just a year later his role as CEO has indeed made an impact on a discovery he helped begin a 12-year relationship with pgatourearning the live rights to all of their content and that's a lot of content over 2 000 hours per year during his role they've aired some of the most well-known and best-received programs such as planet earth and frozen planet basically a lot of plant-related content he also launched an investigation the discovery which was one of the faster-growing cable networks in the united states mainly to anyone who likes murder mysteries number four john plant the oldest CEO on our list john c plant has been in the business for a while and him certainly serves as the CEO of a met aerospace where he makes a good chunk of change his 2019 compensation was 51.7million dollars compared to the median employee salary of 55497 he's worked in automotive industries in leadership roles for years and year she was the president of Lucas verityautomotivea UK-based automotive parts company when Lucas verity was acquired by the automotive john became the chairman he was successful at trw for years under his leadership trw employed more than65 000 people in over 190 facilities were then acquired by cf Friedrichshafen and you may be seeing a pattern here after trw was out john became the CEO of yet another company arsenic incorporated for two years heathen moved on to helmet aerospace which is an aerospace company that manufactures jet engines and other aerospace components number three Lisa sue the first woman on the listless sue has made her way in a tough industry and worked hard to rise through the ranks, she's the current CEO of advanced micro devices which is the company you've probably never heard of but you probably use their products every day in 2019 her total CEO compensation was58.5 million dollars compared to the median employee salary of ninety-six thousand eight hundred and seventy-four dollars Lisa was born in Taiwan and immigrated to the united states atthe age of three at such a young age she was interested in math and technology and her parents fostered her learning at 10 years old she frequently took apart her brother's radio-controlled cars and put them back together again she then went on to it deciding on electrical engineering because she believed it to be the hardest engineering course there she earned her master's and her Ph.D. her first job was as part of the technical staff at texas instruments then she moved on to IBM where she served as the vice president of their semiconductor research and development center which is about exciting as it sounds there she played a vital role in changing and developing new materials to be used in semiconductor chips her work didn't go unnoticed she became the technical assistant to ibm'sceo then became the director of emerging products after a few more job hops she became the general manager of advanced micro devices a semiconductor company that develops computer processes when she became the CEO she encouraged the company to diversify when she started only 10 of the company's sales came from non-pc markets by 2015. 40 came from non-pc markets primarily from the video game industry number two-bob Swann if you want to see someone who's worked in about every role there is bob Swann the current ceo of intel is your man in 2019his ceo compensation was a startling66.9million dollars compared to the median employee salary of ninety-six thousand three hundred dollars bob has taken on more roles than anyone i know he worked at general electric in dozens of senior finance roles over the a15-year period he became the CEO of transportation systems then the vice president of medical systems in Europe after that he was the vp of finance then the CFO of ge lighting finally he was ready to make a move on from ge he then became the Cfo ofwebb van until the company went under even after that he managed to move on to Northrop Grumman space and mission systems corporations as their CFO after that he was the cfo of hp enterprise services and the cfo of ebayso basically he's gotten around in a few different industries eventually went on to become the CEO of intel in 2018. number ones under Pichai the highest-paid CEO in the world Sundar Pichai had a startling 2019compensation of 280.6million dollars more than four times the amount of the runner-up the median employee's salary at alphabets company is two hundred and fifty-eight thousand seven hundred and eight dollars a year the highest amount on your list soon dog got a metallurgical engineering degree from the Indian Institute of technology then got his ms from Stanford and his MBA from the University of Pennsylvania started working at Google in 2004 as a material engineer where he led product management and innovation for google chrome there he oversaw importantly developments such as Gmail google maps and android which led him to rise even higher in the ranks and in 2019 he became the CEO of alphabet incorporated he's known for being even temperedempathetic and thoughtful in his role as CEO he received a 96approval rating from his employees which is incredibly high he's known for speaking very little in meetings and allowing others to speak contributing only after others have said their peace there you have it the 10 highest-paid CEOs what do you think are they a little bit overpaid.


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