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Python Programming Notes

Python Programming Notes
Python Programming Notes

Hello guys and Welcome to Python Programming tutorials by Atul Bhatt. 
Today in this blog we are discussing what exactly python is? 

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  • Our world is changing. 
  • We're not alone anymore. 
  • We work with new intelligence. 
  • We have the technology. 
  • Machines work faster than we do. They don't sleep. They don't make mistakes.  I can talk to machines. I tell them what to do. I speak their language. I code
Why we need to study that? 
What are the features of python and allottable are discussing about introduction part of python programming language? In the introduction part first, let us discuss the history of python programming language. Python was created and named by a Dutch computer programmer who's name is Guido van Rossum and it was released in the 1990s. The name python came from one of the very popular comedy shows that is Monty python's flying circus. Next before learning any programming language, the question comes to our mind is why to study that? There are many other programming languages that are present then why python? The answer for this question is its popularity. Popular companies and organizations like NASA yahoo google are using python today. If you want to go with this competitive world then you must know about the latest technology and leading programming languages. And pythons one of the leading programming languages today. But why python is counted as one of the leading programming languages?? It’s because it is easy to understand. That means syntax and programs are very clear in python so that one can understand better compared to any other programming language. As well as it is beginner’s language. That means you don't know anything about programming but if you are interested in programming then this is the best language to learn first. Python is a portable language that means the code written in python can be run at numerous platforms like Windows, Linux, Unix, etc. It contains fewer lines of the code if you write any program in c c++ java or some other programming language and if you write the same code in python, most of the case python contains fewer lines of the code so that it will reduce space and time. Because of these features python is one of the leading programming languages today. okay, this is about the introduction part of the python programming language.


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