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Top 5 Space Agencies in the World

The Top 5 Space Agencies In The World

The Top 5 Space Agencies In The World

The most powerful countries in the entire world are at the very forefront of the greatest air space technologies being invented by humans to Pursued space research and exploration and while aerospace technology used to be limited to only a few countries over the years the scenario has changed like a lot many ambitious nations are investing in elaborate space Exploration programs to ensure that other nations don't dominate over them So in this Blog of Geeksmafia I'm taking a look at the top five space agencies in the entire world How's it going? Everybody? My name is Atul Bhatt and this is Geeks Mafia blog where we talk about the different people countries and cultures from all around the world and We're diving into space again. We haven't spoken about space in a very long time. Well not exactly About space but things involving space because we're looking at the space agencies I think I said space so many times in that sentence So if you love space travel just learning about You know outer space the planets galaxies all of that give this blog a big share And if this is your first time here to geeks mafia just go ahead and share the post because you'll be notified of a future post like this starting off this list we have the top five space agencies in the entire world.

CNS a the China National Space Administration

China owns and manages the second the largest fleet of spacecraft in orbit right now and the Chinese National Space The administration is one of the world's leading space agencies that handle the planning and the development of Chinese space programs while State-owned China aerospace science and technology corporation or the CAS C similar to JPL, which is a Jet Propulsion Lab for NASA is the primary contractor responsible for the design and the development of the launch vehicles and satellites as well as commercial launch services.


ISRO was on this list the Indian Space Research Organization or just call it is isro or isro whatever one you prefer the Indian Space Research Organization is a Space Agency of the government of India with its headquarters located in Bangalore It's freezing vision is this to harness space technology for national development? While pursuing planetary exploration and research of space science. Its role was established in the year 1969 and it built its first satellite called the era bata which was launched by the Soviet Union on April 9th, 1957 the biggest success of the agency came with its Mars orbiter mission In which we saw it's Mars orbiter enter into the orbit of Mars in the very first Attempt making India the first country to ever do that the next space agency.

ESA(European space agency)

I want to look at is the ESA or the European space agency pursues space exploration programs Thanks to the cooperation and contribution of the 22 member states The ESA is an intergovernmental organization With 2,000 employees and its headquarters located in Paris, France The ESA has ten states as its founding members including the UK Belgium France, Denmark Italy, Germany Spain Netherlands Switzerland and Sweden the ESA launched its first major scientific mission the Causby in the year 1975 in the month of August to be exact and its first communications satellite the OTS - which stood for orbital test satellite - it reached orbit in may of 1978.

RFSA (Russian Federation Space Agency)

RFSA the Russian Federation Space Agency The Russian space program is one of the strongest in the world second only to the United States of America It's also known in full as a Rus cosmos State Corporation for space activities Or just simply Rus cosmos It's responsible for aerospace research and space programs that are carried out in Russia the world's first artificial satellite Sputnik 1 was launched by the Soviet Union in the year 1957 which caused the Americans to amp up their space Operations as they were approaching the Cold War era founded prior to NASA in the year 1922 the RFS a initially suffered financial difficulties But they later managed to launch many successful missions. Their current annual budget is approximately 5.6 billion dollars.

NASA (National Aeronautics and space Administration)

NASA stands for the National aeronautics and space administration of the United States accounts for one-third of all the operational spacecraft that is currently orbiting around the world with NASA The United States has led several space exploration projects from the Apollo moon landing missions the Skylab space station the International Space Station or the ISS to the Mars Exploration Rover ever since Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. NASA has been the leading space agency in the world established in October 1958 NASA also holds a record for the first probes which visited all outer space planets including Pluto Helping make America the most advanced country in space technology. Okay, so there you have it Those are your top five most powerful space agencies Let me know all your thoughts and comments down below and also don't forget to share any additional information that I may not have covered in this blog or if you want to expand on anything that I shared you can also do That as well anything to do with outer space Exploration and things like that.


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