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Differences between Men and Boys |
Differences between Men and Boys
Hasan appetite for self-knowledge and self-improvement there's no shame in needing to face facts and realize you need to man up to make it in this world so we had a look at the 15 differences between men and boys some of our insights are a deep dive into what grows voice to men others are only to be taken lightly don't worry the men amongst you will know which is which after all as David Gilmore penned manhood is the defeat of childhood narcissism and the ultimate sign of a grown personality is being able to laugh at yourself so without further ado let's cut to the chase Differences between Men and Boys.
- Number one men get a life at some point in a boys journey there comes a time when he must stop being his mother’s child and get his own home in life thesis how boys graduate to being a son your own home and life could be a life in the suburbs with a wife and two kids a bachelor pad in the city or a campervan you travel the world in regardless of what your four walls look like at some point boys must get some independence from their childhood home and fend for themselves and therein lies the crux fend for themselves this shouldn't be an extension of pocket money a life that your parents are the financing we mean a clean break standing on your own two feet kind of independence sure you might need a loan or a bit of help from time to time but for the most part, Differences between Men and Boys those incidences should be fewer and fewer over the years the less you see your parents as a bailout the more you’ll make a more robust self-sufficient lifeform yourself and the truth is you'll be happier not living under anyone's shadow, this will be a life lived on your intermonomer.
- Number two men dropped the swag for requalifies might seem important to walk the talk like your part of a street gang but at some point all the catcalling and crotch-grabbing just makes you look like young punk and we're not talking frown lines we're talking what high school do you go to believe it or not, swag will only get you so far and then you’re going to have to engage in an adult conversation and be able to show you have your together to keep that girl or guy I don't think we need to spell out the low rate of return on catcalling to a laxer but there’s also not a ton of return on investment on being on-trend versus money in the bank men are curious and seek out opportunities to keep up to date with the issues that really matter to them they keep their finger on the pulse of current affairs the financial market and to know what's trending androecia-political issues that really affect us men have opinions on things and are able to express them without the use of a meme they once saw and this leads us nicely into our next difference.
- Number three men have clear intentions and the courage to communicate them it’s all well and good to know what you want where you're headed or what you believe in but you need to be able to have the guts to communicate that to this might mean facing tough conversations without skirting around the topic the way boys -men don't need to use jokes or lying when confronted with tough situations and they don't resort to aggression or silence it takes courage to build healthy relationships and men have the honesty and truth it takes it’s important to have respect for the person you’re talking to and realize that success doesn't always mean defeat it often means compromise and empowering others this is a sign of a true leader and a Lexus if you love learning about leadership be sure to check out our reading list video 15 books on leadership.
- Number four men don't have time for games it might seem fun to make a girl you like to beg you to see her but this is just childish narcissism blowing hot and cold mind games playing cat-and-mouse our mistakes made in boyhood men aren’t afraid of their feelings and they’re happy to express them when they like someone they have the courage to share them and deal with the consequences positive or negative and stick around until the end to see a great way to sum all of this up.
- Number five men don't seek validation they’re looking for a partnership if you’re in a relationship with a boy you might feel like you're more of a cheerleader than a partner every time he does something like making the bed you better notice or if he goes three days putting the toilet seat down you better have a special meal prepared to live alone is unbearable for a boy because they don't have anyone telling them what a big boy they are on the regular men, on the other hand, are looking for someone to share their life with they aren't seeking a partner for validation or to split the bills they want to share their life values and experiences with someone they love if someone doesn't measure up to this a man isn’t afraid to be alone and still be able to hold his head up high Differences between Men and Boys.
- Number six there’s a lot more hair and men know what to do with it more physically noticeable difference between men and boys is the increase in hair it starts spreading almost everywhere at first and then midlife it seems to increase an unwanted way and thin out entirely where it shouldn’t figure out what exactly to do with all of this additional hair and how to manage it all really sets apart the men from the boys figure out what style suits you and your career and stick with it then find the balance of a good grooming routine that doesn't consume every morning of your life men know-how to be considerate with their hair routine and how to handle it when it comes to sharing space with a partner this means cleaning up after yourself in the bathroom boys leave a bathroom in a state that shows they still expect someone to clean up after them while men take responsibility for wayward hairs and ensure they go down the train to escape their lover's gaze.
- Number seven men are happy to be equals boys need another to tell them what to do next or someone to push around so they feel important men don't have a need for a subordinate or a slave to feeling strong or worthy they know their true value and are secure in the role they play in the relationship they aren't threatened by women nor see a need to compete with them just because of their gender.
- Number eight the stronger a man is the gentler he can afford to be this profound thought was penned by Albert Hobart boys display clear traits that give away how insecure they really are loud rude and obnoxious attention-grabbing the behavior just smacks of their need for validation superficial gestures like draping a random beautiful woman on their arm just to be noticed shows this need to be perceived as all that a gentleman doesn't care what others think he knows that he is responsible for his own happiness he stands self-assured in his accomplishments and the character that speaks volumes without him having to Saya a word or flash any bling a man doesn’t need to flash a new car to make anyone feel inferior he knows the weaknesses of others don’t make him any stronger.
- Number nine men make the most of all seven days of the week boys live for the weekend counting down the days to the next big night out you’re either gearing up binging or recovering in this cycle men look at life as everything has a time and place they accept that goals require forward planning and execution they know that health requires certain routines and discipline and they step up to responsibilities and obligations with enthusiasm weekly life is a seven-day exercise to men and they are up for the balancing act.
- Number 10 men are prepared and take initiative even if valentine’s day, for example, means nothing to you men understand that it might be special to their partner they have the insight to realize that relationships are give-and-take and thesis an opportunity to give without being asked or coached through an entire plan, man will look for ways to celebrate these events with his partner initiative means considering others and looking ahead it's the difference between just planning to do something and actually doing it.
- Number 11 delayed gratification is worth the wait two men boys might think that life's pleasure only happens in the present but men know that future happiness unfolds as you sew into it Aman is working on his future finances today and doesn't always delay planning until tomorrow he stays present working on his future aspirations with how he chooses to act today boys choose short-term gains because they haven’t got the patience or self-control to see the long-term payout.
- Number 12 men knowhow to look after themselves men don’t need an excuse to look after themselves and their property they don't need houseguests to keep their apartment clean they don't need to wait to visit their mom to get their laundry done they don’t require a health scare before they make healthy choices they're motivated enough to take care of business at homeland in the office.
- Number 13 men aren’t stuck on the idea of men jobs to feel masculine traditionally when men left their mother's house they had no choice but to acquire a wife the reason of this archaic arrangement was so that a man could never assume the role of a care cleaner or home helper modern men are more than happy to share the load when it comes to general life chores they don’t see a task as a male or female task they just get on with the job being secure of your masculinity allows youth freedom to be an equal partner boys need to affirm their gender identity at every opportunity and would never consider doing girls work good luck finding a partner in the 21st century with that attitude.
- Number 14 men want to please a woman boys want women to please them men know when they've struck gold and will spend the rest of their lives investing in and protecting their precious gift boys are run after anything that glitters and isn't satisfied if every girl they meet isn't after them men haven time for this and will only invest in the true value they know that love is the long game they'll put in the real work needed to keep one special a person happy rather than tickle the fancy of a few women just to keep toying them along for the thrill of the chase.
- Number 15 men want to be of substance in the world life isn't just about what you can get out of it it's about what you can put into it and the type of positive difference you can make in this world men understand this while boys are still trying to grab anything they can and get away without the consequences.
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